Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Boa Occasion Baby Wreaths made by the boa constructor aka Shannon ;-)

Made for Baby Rush (Emily's baby boy)
Made for Baby Alexander (Deedee's baby boy)
Made for Baby Ryan Wesson (Laura's baby boy)
Made for Kennedy Grace (Torrie's baby girl)
Made for Olivia (Julie's litte baby girl)
Made for Addison (Shannon Brewington's little grandbaby)

74 Days to go!

According to my due date of November 6th I have 74 more days to go so today I am 29 weeks and 3 days! Based on this link I found online my ovulation and conception date occured on Sunday, February 14th Valentines Day and my implantation date occured on February 23rd Steve's 42nd birthday. I told Steve how cool it will be to some day tell little Lofton that we concieved in love of course on Valentine's Day and that he was implanted on his Daddy's birthday too! If that is all true I think that's a wonderful story to share with him! He is moving around a bit but really not too much. I have a feeling he maybe a good little sleeper like his daddy is which worries me that he may not be ready to come out on his due date!

August 15th Shower at Torrie's (Steve sister)

Our first baby shower of 3 was held on Sunday, August 15th at Torrie and Bill's house really in honor of Steve so we invited his male friends (and wives) from Sonny's and we included family, close friends who could not make my Oct shower and some of my longtime guy buddies. We had a HUGE tournout and unfortunately at 2 in the afternoon with the head index it was 115 outside and about 80 inside the house with all the people there. My cake came from a lady I work with Shelli with Nana Cookies and more in Benton. The baby carriage watermelon was carved by Angela, our beautiful neiece. The chicken was bought and preparred by Terry, Steve's boss from Sonnys who slaved away over a hot grill outside. Our friend Julie made all the fixings and boy did she ever, cole slaw, potatoe salad, baked beans and macorni salad and she made enough to feed a small army! Torrie, poor thing, had gotten pneumonia not knowing as she rushed around getting her beautiful house prepared and being the gracious hostess. We were so excited so many we haven't gotten to visit with in so long and we almost hated opening gifts as we hated taking time away from visiting with everyone! Below are pictures and a list of all our goodies and who gave what! This is also my online startings of my baby book!

Aunt Torrie and Bill Cobb - Babyviews 4D package and frame for our cute first pic of Lofton
Chris and Holli North - Swadlers
Angela Henry and John - Razorback blanket/bib
Chris and Kelly Buckliew - a cute car bouncer that fits in the door frame and some cool skater socks
Aunt Linda and Debbie - Aunt bibs, doggie onesie, soft stuffed doggie, baby bathtub with thermometer, and a careseat base
Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Steve - Daddy's little stomper onesie, botle dryer rack and pump and save bags
Shawn Smith and Kim - #2 pampers, tons of wipes, J&J bath set, and a cute Razorback sweatsuit
Chris Carroll - baby's snack ball
Todd and Chanda Weber - Duck pants w/ 2 onesies, giraffe blanket, firetruck onesies and wash cloths
Angela and Troy Rhodes - $25 Target gift card, 2 rocking onesies (ACDC)
Stephanie and Pat Howell - Brown & blue polka dot blanket with Lofton's name on it
Aunt JJ - squirt spoon, 3 pk of onesies, spoon and fork set
Harry and Brenda (Sonnys) - One box of diapers and $25 target gift card
Aunt Cynthia and Dennis Fehrenbach - Newborn pampers and sz 2
Grandma Linda Giger - 3 pk winnie the poo onesies, nursery bottle warmer and alot of Steve's cute and well preserved baby clothes
Uncle Pete O'connell - Razorback shoes, bib, hat, socks and soft baseball, football and basketball
Bob and Margaret Albright - Blue stuffed bear and monogrammed Lofton Razorback onesie
Matt and Danny and Chris (Sonnys) - Little lamb bouncy seat
Brain Caudel and Lauri Boyd - checkered shirt/pants and a sleep sheep you attached to the bed
Don and Shannon Brewington - rattler, paw print onesies, and a cute paw print robe
Bruce and Kelly Suskie - Boob man bib, Boob man onesie, You think I'm cute you ought to see my dad onesie
Mark Tucker - $30 Target gift card
Uncle Jim Keesee - $50
Uncle Bryan Thorn $50
Aunt Miriam, Meca and Kurt $50
Kelly and Tony Savage $25 Target gift card
Robin (Sonnys) $25 Walmart gift card
Jason Frizell - photo session/pics with Lofton
WowWow (Sonnys) - First little white sox shirt, 2 hooded towels and one puppy dog onesie/pant suit

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 11, 2010 Babyviews appointment

Today we had our 4D Ultrasound apponitment at Babyviews. Steve, Aunt Linda, Grandma Linda, Torrie and Kennedy came along as Shae at Babyviews spent about 30 to 45 minutes with us. We learned that he is around 2.4 pds, I am 27 weeks, 4 days so 28 weeks on Sunday. Shae said he really liked having his hands around his face and on top of his head and although he has plenty of room to move around for now, he chooses to have his feet up by his head. Perhaps he will be a gymnist, he is showing his flexibility. His cyst appears to have gone away but we will know more from our doctor this week. The pictures were amazing. See below!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 4, 2010

Tonight I enjoyed swimming around with the other moms-to-be in our aqua moms class. Although I have my other friend pregnant group that meets monthly for dinner auqa moms is mostly girls I don't know who have a lot to share like tonight I learned what a Dula was which is someone who provides massages and natural childbirth counseling which that I can do without. Not interested in that AT ALL. Terrify of pain controlled childbirth let alone the natural stuff. Also learned about the private shopping next week at Rhea Lana baby consignment sale for expecting moms. Excited about that. Steve and I have our first baby class this coming Saturday where I think we also get a tour of the neonatol area at UAMS. Last night after a long day at work i met my Society of Traveling Waistbands with a new member, my best friend Cynthia who has recently announced she is 13 weeks pregnant. It will be so neat to have all these girls to go through stuff with and have future play dates with our little ones. Lofton will have so many friends. I can't wait to meet him!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baby Lofton's pics

16 weeks, it's a BOY
11 weeks and 2 days

26 weeks and around 14 more to go!

It's hard to believe I am already 26 weeks pregnant. The temp today in Little Rock is out of control (104) and that's not including the heat index. Most days I don't even leave work to go home for lunch. I just feel it's safer to stay in the cool AC. And speaking of AC we have had one of the worst summers on record and right after my air went out in my 12 yr. old Honda Civic then came my air in my house. New landlord didn't seem to understand how miserable a pregnant woman is in this heat. Perhaps he carry an extra 20 lbs. strap to his belly. And yes, I have no gained 20 lbs. which I feel is right in line with what they tell me by your 26 week it should be between 17 to 22 considering the first 12 weeks I played it so careful by doc's orders to not do much because I was in fear of miscarry with all my bleeding. I really starting to feel him, especially today he seems to be a little restless and has decided to try his hand at kickboxing. Yesterday I heard a song on the radio and the lyrics I really enjoyed, it's called Danny's Song and Steve and I sat up late last night watching a live recording of Kenny Loggins and another of Anne Murray singing it. We think this will be a song we humm to baby Lofton! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI61ltOyCcY