Tuesday, August 24, 2010

74 Days to go!

According to my due date of November 6th I have 74 more days to go so today I am 29 weeks and 3 days! Based on this link I found online my ovulation and conception date occured on Sunday, February 14th Valentines Day and my implantation date occured on February 23rd Steve's 42nd birthday. I told Steve how cool it will be to some day tell little Lofton that we concieved in love of course on Valentine's Day and that he was implanted on his Daddy's birthday too! If that is all true I think that's a wonderful story to share with him! He is moving around a bit but really not too much. I have a feeling he maybe a good little sleeper like his daddy is which worries me that he may not be ready to come out on his due date!

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