Tuesday, August 3, 2010

26 weeks and around 14 more to go!

It's hard to believe I am already 26 weeks pregnant. The temp today in Little Rock is out of control (104) and that's not including the heat index. Most days I don't even leave work to go home for lunch. I just feel it's safer to stay in the cool AC. And speaking of AC we have had one of the worst summers on record and right after my air went out in my 12 yr. old Honda Civic then came my air in my house. New landlord didn't seem to understand how miserable a pregnant woman is in this heat. Perhaps he carry an extra 20 lbs. strap to his belly. And yes, I have no gained 20 lbs. which I feel is right in line with what they tell me by your 26 week it should be between 17 to 22 considering the first 12 weeks I played it so careful by doc's orders to not do much because I was in fear of miscarry with all my bleeding. I really starting to feel him, especially today he seems to be a little restless and has decided to try his hand at kickboxing. Yesterday I heard a song on the radio and the lyrics I really enjoyed, it's called Danny's Song and Steve and I sat up late last night watching a live recording of Kenny Loggins and another of Anne Murray singing it. We think this will be a song we humm to baby Lofton! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI61ltOyCcY

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